-A couple of days later act like evil aliens attacking the space station… (Check out the intensity of the Owen Alien!)

-Astronaut training- create an obstacle course, mom has a whistle and a clipboard then wear those little ones out as they train for space! When they are physically fit enough according to the “astronaut training manual” treat them to something sweet… Mars bar? Milky Way?
-Create a planet mobile
-Glow sticks in the bath tub (this was a favorite activity of my boys, sorry there aren’t any pictures)
-Name rocket- write their name on pieces of the ship and put them in order all while screaming “10, 9, 8, 7….1 blast off!” Then decorate with glitter glue stars or stickers.

-Astronaut Ice Cream (I’ll bet you could order this ahead of time from some online store somewhere.)
-Freeze Dried Fruit
You are awesome. 😀
neat! I love this idea.