I always seem to be looking for creative ideas to get my kids outside. My collection of ideas is growing, but I’d love to hear what you do with your kids… a bike wash station, nature hunt, mud pie factory in our front yard, rope swing… those are some of our favorites right now. My boys are not quite old enough to play outside unsupervised. Trey (almost 2) needs much more hands on attention than Owen (4).

Anyway, Owen has seen me painting a lot more lately and he has been begging me to let him paint.

So I rolled out a big piece of butcher paper on the driveway and gave them some finger paints*, an old tooth brush, cotton swabs and anything else we could find that would be a good paint brush.

We drew Mario’s house. Luigi visited on his bike. We also painted a few unassuming ants that walked by. Poor things, I can just imagine what their friends would say about their newly painted purple backs when they arrived home!

I’d say it was an easy outdoor craft loved by…. most! You can’t win ’em all!

*An affiliate link has been used, so if you click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small portion of the sale at no cost to you.
Aaw, that last picture is so cute…even crying babies are adorable. 🙂
Hi from another North Carolinian. Just found your blog through Alicia's. I love the pics of your craft room and that there's a place for the kiddos. My boys love outdoor obstacle courses and anything with water (squirt guns, spray bottles, squishies) You can make most of it and Target has great things for it, too. Looking forward to reading more!