Art with Mrs. Tucker

Sarah Tucker

Smart Summer: Little Critters/ Bugs

It’s week three of our Super Smart Summer Plan!  If you’re wondering what in the world I’m talking about, start here to read about our laid back summer learning plan.  This week my boys and I took on the creepy crawlies. Super Smart Summer… “Little Critters/ Bugs” Week   Movies: -Disney’s A Bug’s Life –City of …

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Smart Summer: Outer Space

It’s week two of our Super Smart Summer Plan!  If you’re wondering what in the world I’m talking about, start here. This week we focused on what it would be like to live and work in space.  Outer Space is a pretty big theme and I didn’t want to overwhelm the kids (5 1/2 and …

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Super Smart Summer Plan

Happy Summer, Friends! Are you ready to have your little ones to yourself all day?!  Are you excited about all of that down time that summer brings? I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous about my summer with three little ones (ages 5 1/2, almost 3 and 4 months) all to myself all. day. …

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Miss Lewis from St. Louis

I’ve known Emily for over a decade.  That’s only a third of my life, but closer to half of hers.  She’s one of those rare finds, completely full of color.  She just oozes it. In the journalistic sense, color writing is adding another level of depth and interest through the use of adjectives.  That’s exactly …

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DIY Dinosaur Party Favors

Trey boy turned two a couple of weeks ago.  Now I don’t know about you, but most two year olds I know are not exactly in to anything on their own apart from whatever their big brother’s are in to, so a little bit of a guessing game on my part was in order.  All …

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Vintage Stencil Signage Tutorial

I inherited these great vintage yellow stencils from my husband’s grandmother.  We helped her clean out her house and while everyone went for the china and furniture I went for the real treasures!!  Sewing notions, broken watches, old letters, vintage sheets, hankies and linens with a story. That’s more my style, I love things with …

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