In the journalistic sense, color writing is adding another level of depth and interest through the use of adjectives. That’s exactly what Emily does in real life. She’s quick with an opinion about everything from Taylor Swift’s new album to Mitt Romney’s religious views to creating a sense of community within the church. I absolutely savor my time with her.

The only problem is that my friend lives all the way over in St. Louis. I’ve tried to convince her subtly and not so subtly that she needs to come back “home.” But to no avail. Alas, what’s a friend to do but hop a plane and enter into her world.

I flew in Friday night and we went to the Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastic Champions. It was hilarious really! Part Cirque du Soleil and part light show with a little bit of Dancing with the Stars mixed in. Average age? 12. We tapped into our inner giggly little girl selves and loved every minute of it!

(Side note: this is Emily’s desk, it fits her personality perfectly… note the ukulele in the stained glass window. Does she play? No, it’s just something beautiful she found at the toy store where she works. She works at a toy store! Can I tell you how many times I’ve told her that when I grow up I want to be just like her?)

This picture above her desk is the photographer’s daughter with a candy cigarette. Part irreverence, part beauty, totally Emily!

So as a thank you for opening up her world to me for the weekend I left her a little handmade goodness of my own.

Saturday morning she and her adorable roomie, Katherine, made me breakfast.

Which consisted of Em snipping a few fresh herbs from her rooftop garden and whipping up something from their CSA box. Cuteness overload!

All I had to do was sit back and sip some tea while they worked away on this masterpiece. A breakfast veggie hash. You can find the recipe on their blog, it has single handedly (if hash’s had hands) made me a brussels sprout fan!

Then we did a little exploring around the city… Em’s seminary, her toy store, her favorite lunch spot (with juicy burgers, homemade ketchup and homemade ice cream… be still my pregnant heart!), oh yeah, and one of St. Louis’ only touristy things… the arch!

We also toured the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis with it’s towering mosaics. I think the space is the largest use of mosaics in the world.

We began our friendship because I was Emily’s Bible study leader while she was in high school. She gave me the excuse to build forts, dress up like Mary Kate and Ashley for our Bible study theme nights, watch Anne of Green Gables and color in coloring books. Now she’s the one who has challenged and inspired a new group of high school girls to love Jesus. I love that He brought us together right after I started dating Kyle and now she has walked right beside me through a marriage, two (and a half) kids and yet another eventful pregnancy. I am so thankful for you, Em!

I didn’t want to leave St. Louis because for a weekend I kicked off my shoes and went back in time with my friend. I left the cares and concerns of looming doctors appointments and ultrasounds and I had the opportunity to relax and refresh. I was inspired and renewed. I love that God gives us friends who can do that… point us back to Him and remind us of His promises!

And so with a great visit under my belt, I’ll tie my shoes, pack a lunch and remember, we’re all in this together! Thanks Emily. I love being in this together with you!

soooo fun!! i love her apartment!! glad you got away and had a fun time, friend 🙂